1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the black panther?
A) A distinct animal species
B) A term used for several kinds of closely related all-black big cats
C) A pet cat
D) A house cat

Question 2. What is a characteristic behavior of black panthers?
A) Purring
B) Roaring
C) Hunting in packs
D) Staying together in groups

Question 3. Where can black panthers be found?
A) South and Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and some parts of Africa
B) The rainforest, marshland, woodlands, swamps, savannahs, mountains, and deserts
C) Human-populated areas
D) All of the above

Question 4. What is a characteristic of the black panther's social behavior?
A) Solitary
B) Social
C) Migratory
D) Territorial

Question 5. Black panther - a big cat with all-black fur, which may be a melanistic (dark-coloreD) variant of a leopard, jaguar, or other species
Aggressive - characterized by or prone to aggression
Feared - regarded with fear or respect
Stealthy - quietly and unobtrusively present or operating
Solitary - living alone and typically avoiding contact with others of its species