1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What do skunks do when they feel trapped or in danger?
A) They hide.
B) They attack.
C) They run away.
D) They spray a foul-smelling liquid.

Question 2. Where can skunks be found?
A) Only in North America
B) Only in South America
C) Only in Europe
D) Throughout the Americas

Question 3. What is the size of most skunks compared to?
A) A small dog
B) A large dog
C) A house cat
D) A horse

Question 4. What does a skunk do when it feels threatened?
A) It hides.
B) It lifts its tail and stamps its feet.
C) It plays dead.
D) It barks.

Question 5. How far can a skunk shoot its smelly liquid?
A) 3 feet
B) 6 feet
C) 9 feet
D) 12 feet