1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What are some ways that swimming can be enjoyed?
A) As exercise and as a sport
B) As a hobby and as a form of transportation
C) As a form of relaxation and as a performance art
D) As a solo activity and as a team sport

Question 2. When did the ancient Egyptians start practicing swimming?
A) 2500 BCE
B) 1000 BCE
C) 500 BCE
D) 100 BCE

Question 3. When was the first swimming championship held in Australia?
A) 1846
B) 1869
C) 1888
D) 1909

Question 4. What organization governs swimming in the United States?
A) The International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA)
B) The Amateur Swimming Association
C) The Amateur Athletic Union
D) The United States Swimming Association

Question 5. When did swimming events first become part of the modern Olympic Games?
A) 1896
B) 1900
C) 1908
D) 1912