Dwell, Dwells, Dwelt, Dwelling Quiz Online

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Dwell, Dwells, Dwelt, Dwelling Quiz Questions

1. They _____ in London for two years.

A. Dwelt

B. Dwell

C. Dwelling

D. Dwells

2. Ground-_____ species are heavier, and their tail may be small or nonexistent.

A. Dwelling

B. Dwells

C. Dwell

D. Dwelt

3. She _____ either in the kitchen or the Sanamahi Kachin.

A. Dwell

B. Dwelt

C. Dwells

D. Dwelling

4. Over 70 species are found across the world, but this is also typical of modern bottom _____ species around today.

A. Dwells

B. Dwell

C. Dwelt

D. Dwelling

5. They _____ in the middle of the forest.

A. Dwelling

B. Dwelt

C. Dwell

D. Dwells

6. These sea-_____ shellfish have produced many fossiliferous chalky stratalayers of limestone in the earth.

A. Dwell

B. Dwells

C. Dwelling

D. Dwelt

7. That is not a subject I want to _____ on.

A. Dwelling

B. Dwelt

C. Dwells

D. Dwell

8. Welcome to my humble _____! He made an admission that he had used threatening behavior.

A. Dwelling

B. Dwelt

C. Dwells

D. Dwell

9. He _____ in poverty most of his life.

A. Dwelling

B. Dwells

C. Dwell

D. Dwelt

10. The young couple made their home in a mean _____.

A. Dwell

B. Dwelling

C. Dwelt

D. Dwells

Dwell, Dwells, Dwelt, Dwelling Video Quiz

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