Resend, Resends, Resent, Resending Quiz Online

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Resend, Resends, Resent, Resending Quiz Questions

1. In the underworld kingdom, he administers the souls of the death, either to _____ them or to bring a new one to and from the human world.

A. Resends

B. Resend

C. Resent

D. Resending

2. The issue is resolved and please do _____.

A. Resend

B. Resent

C. Resending

D. Resends

3. This layer manages traffic flow through the network layer to reduce congestion on a network, and performs error checking ensuring quality of service by _____ data when data has been corrupted.

A. Resends

B. Resent

C. Resending

D. Resend

4. Small nations _____ Western cultural imperialism.

A. Resends

B. Resent

C. Resending

D. Resend

5. He did not appear to _____ it.

A. Resends

B. Resending

C. Resend

D. Resent

6. I _____ his interference in my work.

A. Resends

B. Resend

C. Resending

D. Resent

7. I _____ all these encroachments on my valuable time.

A. Resends

B. Resent

C. Resend

D. Resending

8. We _____ your insistence that the debt (should) be paid at once.

A. Resends

B. Resent

C. Resending

D. Resend

Resend, Resends, Resent, Resending Video Quiz

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