VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You have to choose between working in a big corporation, a startup, or freelancing. Which one would you choose?

- Answer:

I would choose to work in a startup. Startups offer a dynamic, agile work environment that can provide a steep learning curve, allowing me to gain a breadth of knowledge and experience in a short span of time.

In a big corporation, while there is job security and well-defined roles, innovation and personal growth may be slower due to their hierarchical structure. Additionally, one's role in a corporation might be more specialized, which could limit exposure to diverse facets of a business.

As for freelancing, it does offer freedom and flexibility, but it lacks the stability of a regular income and can be isolating without the social interaction that office-based jobs offer.

In contrast, startups, while risky, offer the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, wear multiple hats, and potentially share in the company's success if it does well. This can be more fulfilling, both professionally and personally, making it a more appealing option for me.