VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 3: Topic Development

Question: Digital privacy is a growing concern, affecting personal security, freedom of expression, and trust in technology.

- impacts personal security

- influences freedom of expression

- shapes trust in technology and institutions

Further discussion questions:

- How can individuals protect their digital privacy?

- What roles should governments and tech companies play in protecting digital privacy?

- How do cultural and societal contexts influence perceptions of digital privacy?


Digital privacy has become an increasing concern in the modern age, impacting personal security, freedom of expression, and trust in technology. With the widespread use of digital platforms and online services, individuals' personal data is vulnerable to breaches, leading to privacy infringements and identity theft. Moreover, digital surveillance and data collection can limit people's freedom of expression and self-censorship. This, in turn, affects trust in technology and institutions, as users become cautious about sharing information online and questioning the intentions of data collectors.

Further Discussion Questions:

- How can individuals protect their digital privacy?

Individuals can protect their digital privacy by using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious about sharing sensitive information online. Regularly updating privacy settings, using virtual private networks (VPNs), and being mindful of the websites they visit can also enhance digital privacy.

- What roles should governments and tech companies play in protecting digital privacy?

Governments should establish comprehensive data protection laws and regulations that prioritize user privacy and hold tech companies accountable for data breaches. Tech companies should implement robust security measures, transparent privacy policies, and offer user-friendly privacy settings to ensure user data is safeguarded.

- How do cultural and societal contexts influence perceptions of digital privacy?

Cultural norms, values, and legal frameworks can significantly influence how people perceive digital privacy. In some cultures, there may be a stronger emphasis on individual privacy and data protection, while in others, privacy may be seen as less significant. Additionally, the level of trust in technology and institutions can vary across different societies, shaping attitudes towards data sharing and privacy concerns.

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