Practice TOEIC Reading Comprehension Test 007

Questions for TOEIC Reading Comprehension Practice Test 007

Question 1. What event has affected the northern forests?

(A) Earthquake

(B) Tsunami

(C) Wildfires

(D) Hurricane

Question 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a required donation?

(A) Bottled water

(B) Blankets

(C) Masks

(D) Non-perishable food

Question 3. Why are masks specifically in high demand?

(A) Due to the fear of disease outbreak.

(B) To assist with animal rescue.

(C) Because of the smoke and compromised air quality.

(D) As a precaution against further wildfires.

Question 4. What is the implied purpose of seeking on-site assistance?

(A) To conduct a survey of the damage.

(B) To organize fundraising events.

(C) To help distribute supplies and aid in animal rescue.

(D) To replant trees in the affected area.