story answers ripley game

2 years ago
Asked 2 years ago
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There are many stories about this Ripley's Game. However, the story that is generally accepted is that it originated during the time of the crusades. An Italian nobleman, named Count Giordano Bruno, visited Syria during this time and played with a Syrian nobleman, who had traveled to Syria to sell spices. During their games,
Answered 2 years ago

What does Ripley's Game have to do with the word “Ripley’s Believe it or Not!” It’s a game played by two people on a board that is divided into nine sections. The object is to get a point by scoring on your opponent. Each section has a different scoring value, depending
Answered 2 years ago

Ripley is a very interesting game of skill, not luck, that is played by two people or teams against each other with a number of counters placed on a board. The counters can be moved like chess pieces.
Answered 2 years ago

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