Example sentences of "help to verb"?

Hi, give me some example sentences of "help to verb"? Thank you.
2 years ago
Asked 2 years ago

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1. We help one another to complete homework.
2. When you need to help someone, you can use the word.
3. People are always helping people to do their jobs.
4. I will help you to find a job.
5. I will help you to get the necessary equipment for your job.
6. Helping others is a good way to learn more.
7. Help me to understand you.
8. She asked a teacher to help her to understand the concept.
9. Helping hands are very important for those in wheelchairs.
10. I want help to cook something.
11. She wants to help someone.
12. We want to help you.
13. They need to help you to understand.
14. He has a lot of help to do his homework.
15. They can help to change the world.
16. He can help people with their homework.
17. She can help people to be independent.
18. You can help your friends in the library.
19. I can help you to find the right book.
20. I can ask for help when I am stuck with my homework.
Answered 2 years ago

1. He helped to build a house for his sister.
2. He helps to fix a broken car.
3. She helps to run a bakery.
4. When I asked her if she wanted to come with me, she said "no thanks."
5. When she learned that her father was in the hospital, she came right away.
6. My friend helped me to buy a new computer.
7. I help my friends to study hard.
8. You should help to get ready for the exam.
9. We helped to clean up the place.
10. He taught his friends to play the drums.
11. When she was born, she was helped by a doctor.
12. We can help to save the environment.
13. He can help me to learn English.
14. I help to cook and clean for my family.
15. He helps his parents to buy a new car.
16. My friend helps to build my model plane.
17. When he was young, he helped his father in the garden.
18. This enables the people to learn to speak Chinese.
19. When he was young, she could help to do housework.
20. I can help to fix the computer.
Answered 2 years ago

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