VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your school is considering a new sport for the curriculum. Would you suggest basketball, swimming, or yoga?

- Answer:

I would suggest swimming as the new sport for the curriculum. It's a total body workout that improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and flexibility, offering benefits that go beyond those of basketball and yoga.

Basketball is a great team sport and can foster a sense of community among students, but not everyone enjoys or excels in competitive environments. Furthermore, it mainly focuses on cardio and hand-eye coordination.

Yoga, while fantastic for flexibility and mindfulness, doesn't offer the same intensity of cardio workout that swimming can. It's more of a complementary exercise rather than a standalone sport.

Swimming, on the other hand, is accessible to students of varying fitness levels and can be adapted for those with physical disabilities more easily than basketball. It also poses less risk of injuries compared to contact sports, making it safer for a wider range of students.

In essence, swimming offers a balanced blend of physical benefits and inclusive accessibility, making it an excellent addition to a school's sports curriculum.